We have a dedicated team to look after your children.
Anthea Ridley - Leader
Anthea (BA Hons, Dip, Pre-School Child Development and Practice UU) took up post in 1986 when the Playhouse Playgroup was first formed. She has teaching experience with different age groups of children and is also the Leader of the Playhouse After Schools Club. Anthea has adopted a unique child centred approach to delivering the pre-school curriculum. Through Talk and Thinking Floorbooks Anthea records what children already know about a topic or object and produce possible lines of development. Therefore the course of learning and activities are based on the children's interests. The floor books record the development and how the children have contributed to learning and knowledge gained. They are also a fabulous resource for parents who can see for themselves how their children are involved in directing the learning at Playhouse. Click here to find out more.
Charlene O'Neill
Details to follow
Donna Maguire
Details to follow